Where Bible, Business & Life Come Together​

Will The Foolishness of the World Really Confound the Wise

The Foolishness of the World to Confound the Wise 2011 © Roy Blizzard III 2nd Century CE Hellenic Papyrus of 1 Corinthians 1:24-2.2 While this papyrus that was written 200 years after Yeshua is a nice Greek work, it does little to shed any real light on the proper translation into English of this passage […]

The Prize

The PrizeRoy Blizzard III © 6-17-2012 In the early, faint light of dawn I saw her striding eerily Out from the darkness which had enveloped all,She seemed to tread upon the very rays of the yellow orb Which was burning across the horizon, Closer she strode, her head held proudly as aMighty warrior of valor, […]

Yet The Dogs Eat of the Crumbs Which Fall from Their Masters’ Table

Yet The Dogs Eat of the Crumbs  Which Fall from Their Masters’ Table Roy Blizzard © 2012 In the New Testament in Matthew 15:21-28 is a simple, but to most people a strange story, that has given rise to all sorts of erroneous Christian and Atheist theology. We find here devils, pagans, dismissing disciples and […]

How Did Saul Become Paul?

Roy Blizzard III (C) 2019 In Acts 13:9 we read a seemingly innocent verse stating that Saul is now Paul; or do we? Here is what verse 9 says: “Then Saul, (who is also called Paul,) filled with the Holy Ghost, set his eyes on him.” Here is the Greek, “ 9 σαυλος δε ο και παυλος…” 1881 Westcott-Hort […]